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Monika Wiśniewska


Hello, I'm Monika Wiśniewska, an interior designer and the founder of North Designers, based in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. With a passion for creating inspiring living spaces, I've dedicated myself to the art of interior design, remodeling, and perfecting the ambiance of homes and businesses alike.

Design Philosophy: At North Designers, we believe that your environment should reflect your personality and lifestyle. Our approach to interior design is deeply rooted in creating spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. We're here to transform your vision into a reality.

The Journey: My journey in the world of interior design began with a fascination for beautiful spaces. Over the years, I've honed my skills, earned degrees in design, and gained hands-on experience in various projects, from small renovations to large-scale interior transformations.

Edinburgh Inspiration: Edinburgh, with its rich history and diverse architectural styles, is a constant source of inspiration for me. The city's character is reflected in many of my projects. Whether it's blending traditional elements with modern design or creating a contemporary urban oasis, I draw from the city's unique charm to craft distinctive interiors.

Comprehensive Services: North Designers offers a comprehensive range of services, including interior design, renovation, and interior finishing. We're your one-stop solution for turning your space into a masterpiece. From conceptualization to execution, we're committed to delivering top-quality results.

Client-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We take the time to understand your needs, preferences, and aspirations. Every project is approached with a fresh perspective, tailored to your specific requirements. It's about turning your house into a home, filled with your personality and style.

Why Choose North Designers: What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence. We combine creativity with technical expertise, ensuring that every design is not only visually stunning but also practical and efficient. We are dedicated to delivering projects on time and within budget, without compromising on quality.

Let's Transform Together: I invite you to embark on a design journey with North Designers. Together, we'll transform your spaces, creating interiors that resonate with your soul. Whether you're looking to refresh your home, undertake a renovation, or start a new project, I'm here to make your dreams a reality.

Thank you for considering North Designers for your interior design and renovation needs. Let's embark on a journey to craft spaces that truly inspire and reflect your unique story.

Warm regards, Monika Wiśniewska Founder, North Designers

NorthDesigners - Bathroom
NorthDesigners - Living Room
NorthDesigners - Bedroom
NorthDesigners - Kitchen

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